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Legal Actions against the Government of Canada Filed in Ontario Superior Court


The non-profit group “advocating for and defending the rights and freedoms of Canadians when it comes to public and individual health” called Vaccine Choice Canada has filed a legal action to the Ontario Superior Court on July 6, 2020 against the Government of Canada, the Government of Ontario, the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, various public health officials, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) for violations against the its own citizen’s constitutional rights through the government’s measures related to COVID 19.


In a statement for press release, Vaccine Choice Canada complains about the “egregious and persistent” violations by the defendants mentioned above with the intention of inciting pointless panic; paving the way for a more draconian and rigid government policies that are, in actuality, designed and engineered to serve the interests of the ruling globalist elites and their population control agenda, artificial intelligence (AI) program, GMO’s and other bio-piracy, agricultural plunder, and their most awaited new world order .   

According to Vaccine Choice Canada:

“For the last many months an exaggerated and dishonest ‘pandemic’ narrative has been used to incite unnecessary panic and to justify the systematic violation of the rights and freedoms that form the basis of our society. These include the rule of law, our Constitutional rights, national sovereignty, the right to privacy, financial security, and even our democracy. During times of emergency, Constitutional rights do not cease to exist; in fact, they become even more important.”

Vaccine Choice Canada also explained how mandates such as mask wearing and social distancing are being enforced “without scientific or medical evidence”. These kinds of unethical and illegal actions by government agencies do not only happen in Canada but also in many other countries around the globe. In some poor countries, however, this world-wide fake pandemic circus has resulted to unimaginable catastrophe which severely affects the economy, agriculture, and of course, people’s quality of life. Unknown to many, the shutting down of economy is one of the goals of this fake pandemic.   

The statement also emphasized the situations the Canadian government must focus on instead of imposing house-arrest and martial law type of quarantine under the guise of protecting public health. This corona scandal or fake pandemic has been largely disagreed upon by thousands of scientists and medical experts who warned officials about the serious impact a long time ago. For example, another alliance of doctors that questions the official narrative is now gaining momentum in the internet. This new organization, participated by Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Heiko Schoning, Dr. Scott Jensen, Dr. Mikael Nordfors, etc. wrote on its website regarding World Doctors Alliance:

“An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity.”

Therefore, continuing the destruction of small businesses and livelihoods will surely lead to more problems in the future. It is time the citizens of the world should learn literally the hard way. Meanwhile, according to the statement:

“Canada’s governments have failed to present robust and verifiable scientific evidence to legitimize the ongoing emergency measures, nor offered a medical and economic cost-benefit analysis of the impact of such measures. It has long been obvious that the health, social and economic consequences of the Covid-19 measures are dire and adversely affect the well-being of the citizens of Canada. Yet, our governments and health agencies have been oblivious to the mounting damage and deaf to the pleas of citizens, civil-society organizations, and medical and research experts. Under these circumstances the only recourse is legal action.”

To read the full statement by the Vaccine Choice Canada, go to this link:

Featured image: https://internewscast.com/details-emerge-of-vaccine-choice-canada-lawsuit-over-coronavirus-response/